「波蘭機器」(Polish Machine),NBA中鋒 Marcin Gortat 在還效力於鳳凰城太陽隊時就對外表示他喜歡別人這麼稱呼他要多過所謂的「波蘭大鎚」,因為鎚子哪有機器人威?



  聽起來很Man,而且波蘭距離俄羅斯其實也並不遠,加上咱們 Gortat 哥的身材壯碩、一身橫肉活像是從小跟熊搏鬥長大似的,活脫脫就是個「戰鬥民族」代言人,讓我們瞧瞧他是怎麼跟記者說的:

I would say I would loosen up a little bit the rules about the fighting fines. That’s what I would loosen up. Because today you go to an ice hockey game, and the one thing they’re waiting for is a fight, you know what I’m saying?


So if they could set it up something like that in the NBA. That if there are two guys and they have a problem, if they could just separate everybody. And these two people that have problem, if they could fight ...


於是記者認真的問了咱們 Gortat 哥:「在比賽中直接解決問題嗎?」,Gortat 笑著繼續說:

During the game. Quick, 15-20 seconds, throw few punches, then referees jump in and break this thing up. I think the game ... these two guys, they resolved their problem. They’re both suspended and they’re leaving. But end of the day, they fix the problem between each other, fans are super excited, and I think that would be a pretty cool idea [chuckles].


  我想,這應該只能當成想法啦,但是 Gortat 哥你到底有多想揍人啊........聯盟中能讓你這麼生氣的傢伙,我想應該只剩休士頓的那件12號球衣吧....... XD


參考外電:Marcin Gortat wants the NBA to allow NHL-style fighting


    NBA Marcin Gortat 波蘭機器

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