
  Isaiah Thomas 在今天拜訪了鳳凰城太陽隊,他有可能成為橘衫軍的一員嗎?

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  這是一個很有趣的話題,很值得鳳凰城太陽隊的球迷們討論,週末前不如我們就來看看這則消息吧,「前」沙加緬度國王隊的控球後衛 Isaiah Thomas 在今夏也是自由球員的一員,在FA市場控球後衛不少人都已找到工作的情況下,按理說他應該是挺有市場的,但是現在卻八字沒半撇,而且還歡樂的跑來已經擁有「雙衛」的太陽隊參訪,來就算了,太陽隊還在主場用大螢幕歡迎他,你是不是覺得哪裡怪怪的?

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  5呎9寸的 Isaiah Thomas 絕對是NBA賽場上的大驚奇,可是受限於身高和打法,一般認為他的新合約的範本可能是 Greivis Vasquez 在這週剛簽下的2年1300萬美金,不過 Thomas 上個賽季在國王繳出平均20.3分6.3助攻和1.3抄截的優異成績,這會讓他加一點分,但你應該不會想要拿 Kyle Lowry 那張4年4800萬美金合約來比照辦理;事實上太陽隊也在雙方接觸後很「老實」的告訴 Thomas,由於球隊已經擁有 Goran Dragic、Eric Bledsoe 和 Ish Smith 、新秀 Tyler Ennis 等一票控球後衛,因此可能只能提供給他第六人的位置。

  包括太陽隊在內,各隊總管歧視身材矮小的 Isaiah Thomas 嗎?是,也不是;籃球場上確實是高人一寸就強人一分,不然 Isaiah Thomas 當年就不會落到第2輪第30順位(第60順位)才中選,可是他展現出來的籃球才華卻又讓人難忘,所以身高限制住的不一定是他的評價,但絕對會限制住他的薪水,聽起來就像很玄的哲理一樣,但其實這是一種「在商言商」的不變定律。

  在剛結束的2013-14賽季中,他是和「唯六」和 LeBron James、James Harden、Stephen Curry、Russell Westbrook 和 Kyrie Irving 並列的平均20分+6助攻球員,這一點很少人知道,因為就像剛剛所言,人們第一個都會看見他5呎9寸的身高,他自己也知道這會是他在洽談新約時的最大限制。

  《SLAM》雜誌在近日做了一個和 Isaiah Thomas 對談的訪問,裡面提到幾點還滿值得一觀的事情,我們可以來瞭解一下他的狀況和想法。

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SLAM: How’s your summer going as you play the waiting game with free agency?

IT:It's going alright.I'm just working out, spending time with my two boys, and just being a family man.That's all I can do right now.

SLAM:Shaq said down there (on the panel) that you're coming back to Sacramento.Is that your No. 1 choice, to be back there?

IT: I just want to be wanted.I don't know if they really want me like other teams do. Like I said, since day one I just want to be wanted. I know there's a few teams out there that's showing a lot of interest. I'm just waiting to see what's the best fit for me. At the end of the day it's a business and you've got to do what's best for yourself.

SLAM: The team signed Darren Collison last week. After the season you had, how did it feel to see them go out and get another point guard when you're sitting there?
SLAM:「當球隊在上週簽下 Darren Collison 時,在你擁有的賽季結束後,你坐在那兒看見球隊去尋找另外一名後衛時,那是一種什麼感覺?」

IT: It hurt, but at the same time that's been my story my whole life. People have doubted me, people always bring guys in who they think are going to outplay me or outwork me and that's just not the case. I'm going to just continue working hard, continue to be me, and hopefully a real good team wants me on their team and I can go there.

SLAM: Do you have any potential landing spots you could tell me, places you’re interested in going?

IT: The teams that have contacted with a lot of interest are the Lakers, the Miami Heat, the Dallas Mavericks, the Suns and the Detroit Pistons. They've all got their pros and cons, at the end of the day you've got to do what's best for yourself. I could see myself with any of those teams.

SLAM: Is anyone the favorite so far, or are you just waiting to see how everything shakes out?

IT: The Lakers, Dallas or Phoenix.


SLAM: There's some talk, a lot of people seem to think you're not a starting point guard, you're best as a sparkplug or Sixth Man. Why do you think you're a starting point guard, what makes you right for that role?

IT:A lot of guys in this League can't average 20 points and 6 assists in this League like I did. I don't want to sound cocky or anything, but that's tough to do. With talented guys around me, I can lead a team to the Playoffs, and I'm going to show people that, I'm going to prove people wrong.

IT:I know that being 5-9 that scares a lot of people, because that's not the prototypical starting point guard in the NBA. I'm going to keep fighting, keep working and I'm going to show teams and show people that I am a legitimate starting point guard.

Isaiah Thomas 38 Pts, 6 Assists, Career Night!

SLAM: Do you think your size is one of the reasons the Kings are hesitant to bring you back? Throughout your career you've played well every time you've gotten the opportunity, but it's seemed like every time they've been trying to throw someone else in there, whether it's Grievis Vasquez, Tyreke Evans or whoever.
SLAM:「你會認為自己的身材正是國王隊猶豫是否將你帶回來的主因嗎?在整個職業生涯中你在得到機會時都打得很好,但卻反而讓他們不斷試著帶回另外的人,不論是 Grievis Vasquez、Tyreke Evans 或是其他人。」

IT: It's frustrating, but at the same time I don't expect anything, I was never given anything my whole entire career. I just take all challenges, I take on all challenges. I just continue to work, that's all I can do, and continue to show that I am a pretty good player in this league.

SLAM: Do you think your draft slot has anything to do with it? Kyrie Irving was drafted the same year as you, you guys posted similar averages and he got that contract extension and you're still waiting. Do you think it might be because you were the last pick in the draft?
SLAM:「你覺得這一切和你的選秀順位有關係嗎?Kyrie Irving 和你是同一年的選秀,你們也有類似的平均成績,而他得到了一張續約合約,你卻還在等待,你是否認為這可能是因為你是當年最後一個選秀所造成的?」

IT: It's not even that. It's because I'm 5-9. If I was 6-foot, I would be signing for $90 million contract, just like him. Not to put anything on him, he's a great player and he's earned that.

IT:But at the same time, I know the politics of the game and I know what I've been through to this point. I'm 5-foot-9 and that's why I was the 60th pick. That's why the Kings keep bringing new guys in. That's the reason why. And I understand and you can't put it past that. If I was 6-foot, I would be a max player. I think a lot of people feel that way, too.


  我不知道該怎麼下結語,因為我完全被 Isaiah Thomas 的訪談給震懾住了,我知道他不一定適合太陽隊,不是他不夠好,而是我們人手夠多,可能沒有他派上用場的機會;除此之外,我也會認為以他的打法可能比較適合熱機快、上來就砍分的第六人打法,不可否認我們都會對於身材較矮小的球員存在比較多疑問,即便我們曾經親眼見識過「號稱6呎」的 Allen Iverson 是怎麼挑戰以大衛之姿,挑戰NBA一票「哥利亞」球員的,我們還是無法揮棄這種成見。

  我在想,不論 Isaiah Thomas 接下來去到哪一隊。

Isaiah Thomas - Fast Lane

===== 20140712 後記 =====

  寫完文章後一覺醒來,一看到手機裡的太陽隊討論群組竟然有高達248則的未讀訊息,我直覺就想到一定有什麼大事發生了,果不其然爬起來一看我們竟然簽下球員了,但那個人竟然是我昨天才寫過,還在文章中「明示」我們後場已爆炸,不太適合簽下的球員 Isaiah Thomas ,這到底是怎麼一回事?

  The Phoenix Suns and Sacramento Kings are reportedly finalizing a 4-year, $27M sign-and-trade deal for PG Isaiah Thomas.

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  花點時間爬了一下資訊,似乎 Isaiah Thomas 的先簽後換會動到的人是Alex Oriakhi+7M交易特例,另外管理階層也已經宣示還是會留下 Eric Bledsoe ,並且會和之前談好的一樣,讓 Isaiah Thomas 打類似第六人搶分的位置,然後選秀會上新選到的 Tyler Ennis 有可能會先讓他去發展聯盟磨一磨(哦不,我的小帥哥啊!),不過說真的,你還真的不能否定接下來搞不好還會有搭配的後續動作也不一定......,我們的下一個目標正是當初在2004年選秀會上擦身而過的 Luol Deng ,他本來有可能在當年就會加盟我們,不過最後我們事先把選秀權交易給芝加哥公牛,因此與現年29歲的他無緣;但是現在上季繳出16分6籃板的 Deng ,很有可能會是太陽補強的最後一件事。(當然,我的預設前提是不論看到怎樣的合約,我們都一定會把 Eric Bledsoe 給跟進留下來)。

  不過,既然已經確定 Isaiah Thomas 會來家裡,與其崩潰不如學著愛上他,我想我昨天趕工的文章就正巧派上用場了......但是話說回來,你要我相信老闆 Robert Sarver 這個夏天真的完全沒介入管理階層的決議我才不相信,誰不曉得之前最想獲得 Isaiah Thomas 的就是洛杉磯湖人隊,你根本存心要搶 L.A. 的人,但可千萬千萬不要搞成傷敵一千,自損八百啊......


圖片來源:ZIMBIO、Bright Side of The Sun、
參考資料:Q+A: Isaiah Thomas
     Phoenix Suns Free Agency: Isaiah Thomas to the rescue?
延伸閱讀:T.J. Warren、Tyler Ennis,太陽的兩顆新星
     誰該開出頂薪合約網羅Eric Bledsoe?
     國王對於 Rudy Gay 的帝王級禮遇






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