意外看了今年賽季的鳳凰城太陽第一場比賽,雖然是青年軍在夏季聯盟的首戰、不列入正式戰績、參考價值也很有限,不過因為我們陣中小朋友不少,開季後應該也都會直接拉上第二陣容出賽,所以還是起了個大早(早上六點)看比賽,詳細內容有點半夢半醒之間(因為太陽打得說實話沒有什麼章法),下面整理《SB Nation》的 Keith M. Scheessele 所紀錄的一些賽後小朋友訪談,作為參考。
Alex Len 和 Devin Booker 無疑是這場比賽中受人矚目的兩大重點,Len 上個月剛滿22歲、Booker 則是本屆選秀會當中年紀最輕的球員(只有18歲),但是在這場太陽以86-77戰勝巫師的比賽當中,一個攻下17分8籃板,另一個則是替補上場26分鐘拿了12分4籃板(三分球投4中0是比較可惜的),當然太陽全場得分最高的是已經第三年打夏季聯盟的「學長」Goodwin(22分),另外在比賽中幾乎掌控全場進攻節奏,巫師隊員完全守不住他、用各種方式讓我們看見他把球「搞」進籃框的 T.J. Warren(20分3籃板投15中8),不過我們對於白大個和帥射手還是比較有點興趣(這應該不是我的偏見吧?)
Alex Len
Q:開場三分鐘就吞下4犯(On starting off with 4 fouls in 3 minutes:)
"Yeah you know, first game," he said. "Felt a little rusty in the first quarter, I was trying to get a second wind, I felt better in the 2nd half."
(Len 本戰之後沒有再吞下任何犯規,並且完成17分8籃板和3個火鍋的封阻)
Q:談談有關其他隊員的支援(On having other guys to rely on:)
"We got a lot of scorers. We're actually trying to get better on defense and during summer league trying to work on defense and our communication."
Q:談談今天比較粗魯的肢體對抗(On today's physical play:)
"There's a lot of good players, I mean, so, every game is going to be physical, everybody trying to play hard, trying to get a spot on the team, every game is going to be close, and you know, things are going to be physical."
Q:有機會和 Archie Goodwin 及 T.J. Warren 一同在 Las Vegas 打球是否很重要?(Is the opportunity to play together with Archie Goodwin and T.J. Warren in Las Vegas important?)
"Definitely because I think we're going to come off the bench together during the season."
Q:學弟 Devin Booker 的初登板打得如何?(On Devin Booker's debut:)
"He's a great shooter, that's what he do. That's what he do, I like his game, I think he's definitely going to help us this season."
Q:你知道你陷入犯規麻煩嗎?(Did you know you had 10 fouls to work with?)
"Everybody was telling me that. I was like this isn't anything. This is no problem."
Devin Booker
Q:關於初登場的緊張感(On nerves:)
"There is at the beginning until you actually get out there and you realize, you know, you're playing the game you've been playing your whole life. I mean there is nerves there at the beginning though."
(今天 Booker 第一次被換上場時獲得滿堂彩,他每次進球也都得到不少歡呼和掌聲,不過很可惜的是他的三分球一顆都沒投進,但是立定跳投和C&S非常出色,很看好他在之後的表現)
Q:擺脫那些緊張、要球、防守On shaking off those nerves, calling for the ball, playing defense:
"I'm in a grown man's league now so you know if you don't do those things you'll get exposed. I know I take it serious and every time I step out there I step out there with a chip on my shoulder."
Q:有關於這場比賽的節奏(On the speed of the game:)
"It is more physical. A lot bigger people, but you just can't fall asleep at anytime. I feel like I have to get my conditioning a lot better. You know, it's just a lot of space on the floor, so you know, you have to man up defensively."
Q:關於這場比賽的投籃表現(On parts of his game besides shooting:)
"If you're just one dimensional in this league you won't be able to make it. You got to do a bunch of different things. Today my three-pointer wasn't falling, you know, what I'm known for, I was missing a lot of [them] short."
"Tomorrow I'll knock those same shots down."
Q:當三分球沒能投進時(On shaking that off when the three wasn't falling:)
"Get involved in different ways, you know, playing off of pick and roll, get other people involved."
Q:談談縱橫全場的太陽學長 T.J. Warren(On T.J. Warren:)
"T.J. was playing well. You know, keep going through him, you know that's how the NBA is, if one player is playing well, keep going through him."
「T.J. 打得真的太好了,你知道他可以不斷切入其中,這就是NBA等級的球員,如果一個球員能夠找到節奏,他就能不斷藉此打擊對手。」
Washington Wizards vs Phoenix Suns - Highlights | July 11, 2015 | NBA Las Vegas Summer League
基本上,這場比賽我是「看身體健康」的,一來這是首場比賽、小朋友們也還在調整,二來對方擺出來的陣容跟實際陣容有很大的差距,巫師在夏季聯盟中的陣容幾乎只有 Kelly Oubre Jr. 能打(真巧,他本來也是在我們的選秀雷達當中,這場比賽算是親眼見識他的能耐了),其餘的全非主力球員,甚至連擠進巫師的替補輪替都有問題,用我們這幾乎半隊是NBA經驗的年輕人陣容和他們打,真的頗有大欺小之感,但即便如此,一開始拉開的比分也在中後段被追上,最後才以9分之差取得勝利。
而且,比賽當中其實沒有看見什麼特別的戰術執行,多半就是控衛過半場後靠自己吸怪傳球,或是 T.J. Warren 直接用毫不講理的切入把球給「搞」進去, Alex Len 進攻籃板和拖車進攻也沒什麼大問題,贏下這場比賽沒什麼,但內容上......好吧,至少我們確定 Warren 真的很能打、Goodwin 真的進步很有限(唉...),Booker確實是讓人眼睛一亮的射手,然後 Alex Len 號稱有加練的中距離跳投還沒施展開來、籃下進攻也還是老樣子的感覺,不曉得他們愈來愈熱開之後,會不會狀況好一點。
參考資料:Devin Booker, Alex Len talk about the Suns opening Summer League win
更多太陽隊訊息請點:[SUNS News]