Super Manny 重返棒球場?!
根據國外《ESPN》等媒體的報導,芝加哥小熊隊在日前正式聘用 Manny Ramirez 擔任他們在3A球隊的球員兼教練,這項消息已經獲得小熊隊總裁 Theo Epstein 的證實,雖然他無緣再次成為大聯盟球員,但這很有可能是他另外一段「棒球人生」的開始。(外電參考:Manny hired as Triple-A player/coach)
在一份聲明稿中,Theo Epstein 是這麼說的:
"While Manny is not and will not be a fit on the Cubs' major league roster, we do think at this stage of his life he's a nice fit as a mentor for some of the young talented hitters we have in the organization,"
「雖然 Manny 可能不太適合出現在小熊的大聯盟名單中,但是我們認為現階段的他會是一個對我們球隊年輕打者來說,相當不錯的一位導師。」
"Manny will coach full-time and play part-time in a limited role that does not take at-bats away from our prospects."
「Manny 會將他畢生所學傳授給我們的年輕打者們。」
"I'm at the stage of my life and career where I really want to give something back to the game that I love -- the game that has meant so much to me and done so much for me and my family,"
"I know I am nearing the end of my playing days, but I have a lot of knowledge to pass on to the next generation -- both what to do and what not to do."
Manny Ramirez 的生涯曾入選過12次全明星賽,也曾效力過包括克里夫蘭印地安人、波士頓紅襪、洛杉磯道奇、坦帕灣光芒和奧克蘭運動家等大聯盟球隊,期間曾在效力紅襪期間奪下過總冠軍藉,從1991年第13順位被印地安人選上後,他就一直是大聯盟人氣很高的球員,生涯擁有.312的打擊率和555支的全壘打,而現在的小熊總裁 Theo Epstein ,過去正是他效力於紅襪隊時的總經理,雙方有一定程度的私交,也曾一起拿下總冠軍過。
Manny 最後說道:
"The Cubs have some very talented young hitters, and I would love nothing more than to make a positive impact on their careers,"
歡迎你回來,Super Manny。
Manny Ramirez Career highlights
參考資料:Manny hired as Triple-A player/coach