
  昨天午夜睡前,手機突然響起信件訊息,發現是鳳凰城太陽官網寄給球迷的一封訊息,署名者是太陽目前的擁有者 Robert Sarver,標題很簡潔,就是:「給太陽球迷的公開信」(Open Letter to Suns Fans),一時間還真有點措手不及,我還以為是 Robert 突然想通「宣佈不玩了」,結果看完後發現劇情雖然沒有這麼展開,卻也還是讓人有種......看到幻覺的感覺?


  這些話是很標準的公關話,可是講得非常得體,而且有種在燒成一片灰燼的球季中找到救贖的感覺,而我最想講的,是這些話本來是我期望能從 Ryan McDonough 口中說出(不論是對外還是對內),但最後卻從讓我最意外、過去幾年形象最黑、最讓球迷搥心頓首痛恨的 Robert Sarver 口中說出,在他和 Steve Nash、Grant Hill 等這些當初被他欽點遺棄球員突然好來好去的現在,著實讓人有種時空錯置之感.......


As someone who grew up a Suns fan, I have great appreciation and respect for the unwavering loyalty this community possesses for its first professional sports team. With that loyalty comes a fair expectation that the Suns compete at a high level on a regular basis, while representing our city with the utmost integrity. Candidly, we have not lived up to either of those expectations in the past two seasons.


One thing I have learned through both business successes and setbacks, is that victory is impossible without a culture of accountability, respect and trust. As a team woven into the city’s fabric, those principles must serve as a foundation for what our team, organization and brand stand for. All employees of our organization, including the players, will be held to those standards.


I have also learned that in order to achieve success, you must take risks along the way. In time, certain risks will ultimately look like mistakes. It didn’t take long into my tenure as an NBA owner to understand that basketball decisions are not easy to make. It is my responsibility to hire the right personnel to make those decisions, and also to provide the financial resources and supportive environment to facilitate the success of our team. Our basketball decisions rest with Ryan McDonough, who I have full confidence in. Not every decision will be the right one, but he will continue to build our team around the young, talented players acquired through the draft and opportunistically in free agency. The best team in the NBA right now is a perfect example of that model.


而我們的籃球決策都由 Ryan McDonough 這位我對他充滿信心的人士來擬訂,雖然不是每個決策都能盡如人意,但是他將繼續圍繞著年輕人打造我們的球隊,這些球員也許是通過選秀、也許是從自由市場而來,現在在NBA當中最棒的球隊或許能夠作為我們的樣本。

That said, we will likely miss the NBA Playoffs for a sixth straight season this April. Many of you are disappointed in that lack of success, and for good reason. I can assure you that no one is more disappointed than I am, nor does anyone accept more of the blame. It’s important you know that we will not rest until we are competing at the highest level once again. In fact, we have swung for the fences once in each of the last two free agency periods, with my full support. While we have come up short, we have not compromised our goal of building long-term success with our young talent. Often that process takes more time, yet the rewards are that much sweeter and more enduring.



The journey back to the top certainly won’t be easy. It will come with its victorious moments and its frustrating ones. But it will come, just as it did shortly after I acquired the team, where we rebuilt from a 29-win season in 2003/04. Please know, that above all else, you have my word that we will do things the right way, and you and your family will be proud to be Suns fans.


It’s why We Are PHX.​

這就是為什麼,「We are PHX.」。

鳳凰城太陽隊老闆 Robert

圖片來源:getty image
參考資料:Open Letter to Suns Fans

更多太陽隊訊息請點:[SUNS News]


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