※ 本文取材編譯自《CSNWashington》的〈Pierce speaks on Wittman, and vice versa〉

  自從 Paul Pierce 宣佈加入華盛頓巫師的那刻起,他就已經成為華府的媒體、球迷新寵兒,這座亟欲在NBA賽場上再次升起榮耀的球隊張開雙臂歡迎他,而在季前的訓練時也有接不完的訪問和問題得回答,今天他談到有關巫師總教練 Randy Wittman 的一些事情。

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  Randy Wittman 過去曾擔任過克里夫蘭騎士和明尼蘇達灰狼的總教練,並有10年的NBA球員生涯(打過5年亞特蘭大老鷹、1年沙加緬度國王和4年印地安納溜馬),相對於拿過總冠軍的 Paul Pierce 來說, Wittman 的名氣顯然在其之下,但截至目前為止「真理」對他還頗心服口服的,而且也表明自己很習慣於 Wittman 的攻守系統,應該沒有銜接上的問題。

"Randy Wittman has a great philosophy offensively and defensively. I'm very familiar with the system,"
「Randy Wittman 在攻守兩端都有很好的理念,我對這樣的體系感到很熟悉。」

"A lot of the different coaches run kind of the same system in a way. Some of the things he put in I'm very familiar with. I'm picking up stuff fast."

"I like it. I've been with pretty much every kind of coach. When you've been with a guy like Rick Pitino, Doc Rivers, J. Kidd. He has his own demeanor. All coaches are different with their demeanor and how they handle players."
「我很喜歡這樣,我和不少教練都共事過,像是 Rick Pitino 、 Doc Rivers 、 Jason Kidd 等人,他(Randy Wittman)有自己的特性,但事實上每位教練都有自己的特性和掌握球員的方式。」

"But I think Witt, being a former player, he understands the players. He understands how hard to push you and when to pull back."
「我想,類似 Witt 這樣曾當過知名球員的人是很能夠理解球員在想什麼的,他了解該什麼時候推你一把、什麼時候又拉你一把。」

Celtics Paul Pierce Tribute In-Game vs Brooklyn

  至於 Randy Wittman 的部分,他坦承自己在巫師決定簽下「真理」的前後,確實花了不少時間去「研究」Paul Pierce。

"After making the deal in July for him, researching and talking to a lot of different people, a lot of the things that were said to me are coming true in terms of what he presents. Not only skill level on the floor but his leadership in the locker room."

"They've already gone to dinners together. They're doing things of that nature. He leads by example."

  看起來這完全是一個賓主盡歡、師徒都愉快的狀況,不過現在還是剛簽約的蜜月期,實際上場後會不會有所改變?又或者如果調整過 Paul Pierce 的場上定位、上場時間之後,會不會產生一些新的化學變化?還是 Paul Pierce 真的能放下自尊,就像之前來到巫師這支球隊的那些老將們一樣,認份但不貪功的貢獻自己的力量,幫助這些年輕小夥子?這些都是讓人期待並想持續觀察的。

  不過在受訪的同時,Paul Pierce 也同時提到對一位在過幾天就要滿37歲的老將來說,確實在體能上有感受到和以往比較起來的力不從心,精神是飽滿的,但是體能卻是虛弱的,訓練才正式開始進入第四天,他已經感到腿部有一些痠疼狀況的出現......

"Usually that third day, guys are tired from the first two days. You go three long hours and the third day is always mental. You're tired. Your body is kind of fatigued,"

"In less than five days we have a game. You have to be into it mentally."



圖片來源:USA Today
參考資料:Pierce speaks on Wittman, and vice versa
更多巫師隊訊息請點:[WSH News]



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