As Chipper Jones enjoys his retirement tour,
one former feared slugger is ending his career much quieter.
在Chipper Jones享受著他的退休儀式的同時,一位曾經讓人敬畏的強打卻慢慢消逝。
原翻譯者:ted10 (經原譯者本人同意,授權轉錄)
原Po文處:PTT MLB板
From SI by Chris Ballard
There are now less than six weeks remaining in the baseball season and -- in all likelihood -- in the careers of two of the best hitters of the last couple decades.
One of them, Chipper Jones, has spent this season enjoying one long retirement party, receiving standing ovations, making an emotional All-Star appearance and writing a column for the back page of Sports Illustrated.
其中一位是Chipper Jones,在這個球季,他享受了一個美好的退休派對,其中包含了觀眾們的起立歡呼、出席了明星賽,並在其中留下了感性的時刻,以及在運動畫刊的封底有著一個屬於自己的專欄。
The other has played out the year with no such fanfare. His career statistics aren't that far off Jones' -- 1,405 RBIs to Chipper's 1,621, a career OBP of .403 to Jones' .401, but the similarities end there.
The 40-year-old Jones is a beloved figure. At 41, Jason Giambi is a survivor.
但他跟Jones的相似之處僅到此為止。今年40歲的Jones是受到眾人愛戴的表率,但41歲的Jason Giambi卻只是一個倖存者。
On Tuesday, just after 4 p.m., Giambi walked into the visitor's clubhouse at AT&T Park in San Francisco wearing faded jeans and a zip-up hoodie. His hair, once scraggly and dark, is now cropped short, the gray rapidly encroaching on the brown.
His ruddy face is covered with a motley silver beard.
His body, once so top-heavy that he resembled a New Yorker cartoon come to life, the caricature of an overstuffed slugger, has returned to its natural proportions.
Seated at his locker, cheeks red from the sun, he looked less like a superhero athlete and more like the last guy at the bar in Santa Monica at 1 a.m. on a Thursday night.
他坐在自己的置物櫃前,雙頰因太陽照射而變得通紅。此時的他一點也不像個超級英雄,反而像是個在週四凌晨1點時仍然流連於Santa Monica酒吧裡的人。
It has been a long, quiet season for Giambi. Now strictly a pinch-hitter, he plays for a woeful Rockies team that is 30 games below .500 and, as a result, has embraced a youth movement in the season's waning months.
Entering Friday, it had been 19 days since Giambi's last hit. The man with 429 career home runs hadn't gone deep in more than four months.
This is not how anyone expected him to go out. Giambi won the AL MVP in 2000, led the league in OBP three times and OPS twice. Larger-than-life, he was the leader of the frat house A's, the running mate of Mark McGwire, a teammate of Jeter and A-Rod, and good friends with Michael Jordan (the two played against each other in the Double A Southern League).
He also was, and remains, an enduring icon of the steroid age, one of the last home run kings of his era still playing. Most of the other anti-heroes have either retired or slunk away: Bonds and Sosa, Palmeiro and McGwire, Clemens and Juan Gonzalez These days, he lives for small moments: a late-inning RBI opportunity, one at-bat in a homestand.
他曾經是運動家隊的領袖、Mark McGwire的夥伴、Jeter及A-Rod的隊友,甚至是Michael Jordan的好友。(他們兩人在2A時,同樣在Southern League出賽。)
與他同樣受到相同指控的球員們,如Bonds, Sosa, Palmeiro, McGwire, Clemens以及Juan Gonzalez,現在不是已經退休就是逃離球場。但他仍繼續待在場上,不放過任何一次微小的機會,只為了能夠在有打點機會時上場代打。
Most games, he watches the action in the dugout or clubhouse until the fifth inning. Sometimes young players like Dexter Fowler and Jordan Pacheco come to him between innings to discuss their at-bats.
He'll talk to them about reading pitchers -- see how he threw you a slider on a 1-0 count last time, then went fastball this time? Other times they come to talk about life. As Giambi says, "Sometimes in this game you don't need a coach, you need a psychologist."
隊上一些年輕球員,如Dexter Fowler及Jordan Pacheco會在每局之間的空檔去跟他討論打擊。他會指導這些年輕小夥子如何去觀察投手:有注意到他上次在1壞球沒有好球的時候對你投了顆滑球,但這次卻是投速球嗎?而其他時候則是會跟Giambi討論人生問題。如同Giambi說的:有時候在這個比賽裡,你需要的不是教練,而是心理學家。
Around the sixth inning, he starts preparing in earnest, hitting off a tee and taking soft toss. By the eighth, he'll recruit a strength coach to throw him some BP in the cage. And then, feeling mentally and physically ready, he waits and hopes.
On Monday night, Rockies manager Jim Tracy called on Giambi with two outs in the ninth and Colorado trailing 2-1. San Francisco's lights-out righty, Sergio Romo, came in and unleashed four sinkers and a
Giambi struck out swinging to end the game. "It's a tough job,"
Giambi says. "When you're successful you ride the high for a bit. If you don't get it done then you have to think about tomorrow."
在禮拜一晚上,洛磯隊總教練Jim Tracy在九局上半兩出局,洛磯隊2比1落後的情況下換上了Giambi。巨人隊的右投手Sergio Romo在這個打席總共投了4個sinker還有1個change-up。Giambi遭到三振出局,比賽結束。
Ideally, Giambi says he would like to play next season, but he understands that might be unlikely.
"Can I still get a job?," he said.
"I don't know." The Rockies have approached him about becoming a hitting coach, he says, and maybe one day managing, but he's not ready to consider that yet.
For now, he continues to play because he still loves the game, and because he feels his one great skill --power -- remains.
And indeed, when I asked Romo about pitching against Giambi, the pitcher nodded in deference.
"That's an MVP right there and you can't forget that," Romo said.
"Much respect." Respect. That's also part of why Giambi still plays.
In 2007, he told USA Today, "I was wrong for doing that stuff. What we should have done a long time ago was stand up -- players, ownership, everybody -- and said, 'We made a mistake.'" In the years that followed, it would have been easy for Giambi to fade away under the scrutiny, or when his performance slipped and he hit .193 with Oakland in 2009. He had made plenty of money, had nothing left to play for.
而則也是Giambi決定繼續奮戰的原因之一。在2007年時,他向USA Today表示:「他對於用藥這件事感到抱歉,他認為球員們、老闆們以及所有人早該勇於向大眾承認錯誤並表達自己的歉意。」
And yet here he is. Now, at 41, Giambi has an 11-month-old daughter named London Shay.
When I asked what he'd like people to say about her father when she's 10 years old, he stopped for a moment. "Wow ... I would love for them to say, 'One time in his career, he made a mistake but he worked really hard and got his honor back and he was honest,'" Giambi said. "I think that's the most important [thing]. I've been on top of the world in this game, I've won the most valuable player, and I've been in the gutter in this game. But I'm still here."
然而他依舊佇立於此。如今他已經41歲,並有著一個11月大的女兒,名字是London Shay。
As he spoke, four nearby Rockies teammates played a game of hearts, while others watched NFL highlights. Troy Tulowitzki, out most of the season with a groin injury, sat glumly in his chair, staring off into the distance. Down the hallway, moments later, Colorado hitters took cuts in the indoor batting cage while pregame rituals played out on the field.
Giants players cycled through bunting practice, the smell of roasting hot dogs wafted through the grandstands and, behind home plate, a stooped usher used a spray bottle and a rag to wash down the seats in the first row.
而幾乎整季飽受傷痛所苦的Troy Tulowitzki坐在椅子上看著遠方。過不久後,洛磯球員開始賽前的室內打擊練習,而同時巨人隊的球員輪流在場上進行短打練習。
The late afternoon sun illuminated the leftfield bleachers.
It was a great night to be at the ballpark.
Five hours later, in the seventh inning, with tens of thousands of fans on hand, a 41-year-old man would be called to pinch hit with the bases loaded.
The PA would announce his name and Giambi would step in. Realistically, the chances of him turning on a pitch from the lefthanded Jeremy Affeldt and launching it into McCovey Cove would be slim, and indeed he would end up hitting into a double play. But in that moment, under the lights, standing at the plate, waiting for the pitch, all that would matter was that he was still there, still feared. Still part of the game.
五小時後,在第七局,背負著萬千球迷期待的Giambi上場了,他所面對的是一個滿壘情況。老實說,他想要從左投手Jeremy Affeldt的手中打出一發直接飛進McCovey Cove的全壘打的機會微乎其微。
原譯者 ted10 的話:
As Chipper Jones enjoys his retirement tour,
one former feared slugger is ending his career much quieter
在Chipper Jones享受著他的退休儀式的同時,一位曾經讓人敬畏的強打卻慢慢消逝。
2012/09/23 重新把文章編輯過,
將一些文義不太通順的句子修改過, 並且在原文部分加上色碼以幫助閱讀。
Jason Giambi 今年5/2擊出再見全壘打的精彩影片
我覺得 ted10 大大這篇文章就是非常好的一篇文章,也相當的感人,因此徵詢他本人後將這篇好文轉錄予大家分享。
Jason Giambi ,這位除了 Chipper Jones 以外,大家也不該遺忘的一位,上一世代的強打者!
文:ted10(經原譯者本人同意,授權轉錄至痞客邦 運動邦)
圖片來源:AP Images、痞客邦 運動邦
延伸閱讀:強打中年 Chipper 的最後巡迴之旅、老將一條龍!35歲以上的大聯盟英雄榜