Carmelo Anthony seems intent on remaining with the Knicks, but not just that, he wants to make sure the manner in which he re-signs helps the team improve.
Carmelo Anthony 似乎有意和尼克隊繼續合作,不過在此之前他希望確定自己的續約能夠幫助球隊提高水平。
"I'm going to make money, I have money. I'm good if I want to retire right now," Anthony said on SportsCenter on Friday.
「我需要賺錢,我有錢,而且如果我現在就退休,這些應該也夠花了。」星期五受訪時,Anthony 是這麼跟〈SportsCenter〉說的。
At All-Star availability later that day, he expanded on those thoughts.
"As far as the money, it don't really matter to me,'' Anthony said. "If I go somewhere else, I get paid. If I stay in New York, I get paid. As far as the money goes, it's not my concern. My concern is to be able to compete on a high level, a championship level, coming in this last stretch of my career. I want to compete at that level. "
「因此有關錢的事可以不需要考量我。」 Anthony 如此說道:「如果我去了別的地方,我能夠得到報酬,如果我留在紐約,我一樣可以得到報酬,錢從來就不是我關心的事,我在乎的是能處於一個高水平、總冠軍等級的競爭力,這會是我未來生涯的一大考量,我希望能夠享受那種水平。」
As Melo enters the later stages of his career, there's a much bigger premium on winning for him. He's been paid, he's made money. But he's only been to one conference finals in his career, and his focus is being on a championship contender. Problem is, he plays for the Knicks.
正如 Melo 所言,他的職業生涯開始邁入關鍵時刻,他迫切需要援助和贏球,他已經賺了些錢、他有收入,但是他的生涯至今只打過一次分區決賽,他希望成為總冠軍的爭奪者,但問題是:現在他得為尼克效命。
The Knicks have been horrible this season and obviously need more help and more talent. So as Anthony is thinking, maybe if he takes less money it'll give the Knicks some necessary financial flexibility to make a run at players like Kevin Love or Rajon Rondo who are free agents in 2015.
尼克隊的本賽季幾乎是悽慘可怕的,他們顯然需要更多幫助以及人才,如此一來 Anthony 才會產生:「也許我能領比較少的錢,讓尼克隊能有財務空間的靈活性去接洽像 Kevin Love 或 Rajon Rondo 這類在2015年的自由球員。」
"I have a chance to attract come people to come to New York," Anthony said in an interview with SportsCenter. "I think playing in New York -- and everybody saw this last year -- how electrified that city was. The organization, the team, how much fun we had as a team when we was playing good basketball. So I want to kind of bring that back to New York. And if I can become a free agent to make that happen then, I want to do that.'"
「我有一個機會能夠吸引人才到紐約來。」 Anthony 在接受〈SportsCenter〉訪問時這麼說:「我覺得在紐約這座城市打球(就像所有人在去年看到的那樣)是很讓人興奮的,當我們能夠把打出好球時,這個組織和球隊能夠擁有很多樂趣,所以我想營造那種讓你想來紐約打球的氛圍,就像我如果成為自由球員,我也會想這麼做。」
However, Melo taking less doesn't help in the immediate future. The Knicks have potentially about $70 million committed next season without Anthony, assuming Amar'e Stoudemire and Andrea Bargnani don't opt out of their contracts. Even if Melo took a highly discounted deal like the veteran minimum, the Knicks would still be well over the salary cap.
無論如何, Melo 談論自己能夠以較低的薪資續約或許是對未來有些幫助,尼克下一季排除 Anthony 已經有7000萬美金的薪資得付,假設 Amar'e Stoudemire 和 Andrea Bargnani 沒有跳出他們的合約(編按:誰會跳?),那就算 Melo 用很優惠的價格續約留下,尼克可能也只能付出中產條約來簽下球員,並且讓他們的團隊薪資遠超過豪華稅限制。
It could make a big difference in 2015 though, but the question is, is Melo willing to wait that long?
「Melo 真的願意等那麼久嗎?」
延伸閱讀:Carmelo Anthony,30歲的抉擇。
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